
The Alchemy Movement Claimed

The Alchemy Movement

The Alchemy Movement offers various Shamanic Energy Medicine practices including Sessions, ContainersCoursesWorkshops and Retreats through which to access your journey of Inner Alchemy and transformation.

We seek to facilitate your awaking & remembering of your own power to bring balance and shift the beliefs that hold you trapped in patterns of dis-ease and dysfunction.

Through various Shamanic techniques and processes, we assist our clients to step fully into their highest expression of being.

A commitment to Alchemy – the transformation and transmutation of our collective pain and suffering into Love and Sovereign Expression of Being.

Answering a deep calling to remembering and rebirthing the path of The Sacred Feminine & The Beauty Way is the purpose behind The Alchemy Movement.

About Isa from The Alchemy Movement

Isa Ka Ra – Gisela is a Mesa carrying Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner & graduate of The Four Winds, a student of Dr Alberto VilloldoMarcela Lobos & Giuliano Salas as well as being trained in various other ancient healing methods, including being a Channel and initiated Oracle for the Isis Soul Collective offering a range of Shamanic and Energy healing modalities specifically curated to her clients’ individual needs. Isa is also a Shamanic facilitator and faculty member of Genesis Holistic Medicine. Isa’s core focus is on assisting her clients to re-awaken the Sacred Feminine and walk the path of The Beauty Way.


Sessions are adjusted and augmented throughout your time together to release core wounding and achieve your personal alchemy and transformation. The purpose of this process of Shamanic Alchemy lies in bringing balance and challenging beliefs creating an enhanced life experience to access your full potential.

Further to sessions of Shamanic Energy Medicine, Sacred Feminine Activation and other healing modalities, Isa offers various ceremonial practices including Cacao Ceremonies, Fire Ceremonies, Despacho, Shamanic Marriage, Death Rites, as well as Home, Space and Land Clearings.


13 Reviews for The Alchemy Movement

tashmeyer8892 1 Reviews
A rewarding journey to find yourself.

I first started working with Isa, joining her Full Moon Ceremony Circles, my first impression of her was a gentle soul guiding us gracefully through each ceremony. After each ceremony I felt a sense of calmness and excited to get myself focused and aligned again. After a few ceremonies I felt very drawn to go on the Sacred Feminine Activation Journey that Isa offers and this was one of the best decisions I have made this year! Isa is an excellent mentor with a witty sense humour (huge bonus), inspiring wisdom and a calming energy. She holds a safe space during sessions that calms your energy to express yourself fully and freely. Speaking one’s mind is never an awkward situation with Isa, she listen’s, gives insightful advice and shares valuable skills that I will use for the rest of my life. It has been one the most rewarding journey’s I have been on, finally stepping into my Power with love and confidence. It’s been a privilege for me to work with this amazing soul to guide and support me every step of the journey. I highly recommend working with Isa!

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Isa Showed me what I looking for

I found Isa when looking on line for a shaman who could access the part of me I could not see but knew was blocking me. Her reading of me, seeing into my ancestry and shifting patterns right there in the moment was exactly what I needed to clear my pathway to the next phase of growth. Isa offers so many means of accessing our inner selves and her ceremonies and journeys are a delightful experience. If you are searching for answers within your Soul Isa is wonderful to connect with.

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cia.c.dun19 1 Reviews
Shifting perspectives towards freedom

The moment I first saw Isa I was drawn to her. She is a fascinating, compassionate, authoritative, funny, fierce advocate for your personal sovereignty. She made me feel safe, seen and empowered and the journey that she guided me on has forever shifted my perspective. I have the utmost respect for this magical being! I can’t but recommend her!

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jenniastephen72 1 Reviews
Isa walks her purpose and shares her wisdom with great love and humour.

met Isa about 3 years ago and was drawn to her innate wisdom at the time I knew that I needed to do something with her, although at the time it was not clear. During lockdown Isa offered free daily meditations “ From Isolation to Insulation “ this had a profound effect on me as I learnt to meditate and gain some insight into a place that I had known before but had lost. Isa then offered the Alchemy Goddess Energy Course, an in-depth exploration of our energy centres and ourselves. I had not spent time with myself at this level for many years and had lost connection with who I really was. I am different today compared to when I started the course and I am happy with who I am remembering and becoming. I feel that I have stepped into the path I need to be on and there is so much to learn but also so much I have to share. The course was created and shared with great wisdom love and compassion. I am grateful that I started this journey with Isa, I know that I as continue in the process of my embodiment, I will continue to tap into her guidance, wisdom and strength.”

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tnay230 1 Reviews
I love Isa and everything she represents

To say that the work I have done with Isa has been life changing is an understatement. I have had to dig deep to do the work that she has shown me. Having never placed any value on my spiritual well-being it came as a big shock to me after my daughter was born 5 years ago and I stopped working that I was actually lost and searching for something. I continued to just wade through the days and my life subconsciously thinking that I needed to do something to ‘feel better’ I met Isa about 2 years ago thinking I was ‘just going to have my energy realigned’ I laugh now at this knowing how vulnerable I was ( and still am) and how easy I thought ‘fixing myself ‘ would be. I live mostly in my head ( something I understand now after meeting Isa) and I can say it was grace that allowed me to be so open minded about the things she has told me, shown me and explained to me. I am in awe of her intuition and how quickly she can tap into my emotional state and be with me in this sometimes very dark space. My husband ( an actuary who had no interest whatsoever in ‘this stuff’ and is all about tangible black and white concepts) was very interested in the things I was doing and learning with Isa and went for a session with her too. After that session he fully supports the work that I am doing as he most certainly felt what I feel in her. By no means is my journey complete in fact it’s only just started but I am so grateful that I started with Isa and that I am so very blessed to continue with her. It’s so hard for me personally this journey of self discovery and learning of new concepts ( and unlearning of old beliefs) but it’s my declaration of self love to do the work . I trust Isa implicitly and would encourage whoever is reading this and feels ‘something’ to have a session with her

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neshi151137 1 Reviews
A wholesome experience

Isa created a space for me to go deep and feel truly supported. It was a journey I required! It brought me to more inner peace and I relaxed into myself. The journey of the alchemy goddess workshop was incredible in all it’s diverse quests expanding the interactions with myself. I use many of the tools and go back to the manual regularly especially when things are difficult. That support is the gift that keeps me centred and aligned.

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msusa.amina53 1 Reviews
The Full Moon Circle

The full moon circle was absolutely beautiful and Isa did a great job in facilitating how to embody gratitude and to release from a place of acceptable than rejection. It was enlightening to understand that clearing one self from that which no longer serves the uplift of one’s whole being doesn’t mean discarding the lessons that come along with it. I am grateful for every moment and lessons of polarity without resistance.

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Isa is absolutely amazing! Isa’s consults are always filled with insights and teachings prior to the energy healing sessions. The energy healing sessions have been truly amazing for me. Always so relaxing and so informative! I’ve always found that knowing what I’m doing and why I’m doing it a great help to help heal whatever I’m going through and later being able to use those teachings and go back to them whenever I needed. Isa, such a kind a pure heart with the voice of an angel truly! Such a talented soul! She’s definitely here serving her highest purpose! Highly recommended!

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twiggcheslin91 1 Reviews
Changed in your life

Before the Goddess Alchemy Energy Course, I lived from an injured male perspective where life was: • Measured and quantified • Constantly compared • About winning at all costs • Uphill battle – overcoming obstacles • Needing love, validation, and justification from others • Constant fear of rejection and not having enough Through the course, I identified that this block came from various childhood experiences which made me – rest my self-worth in the identity of being unworthy of love. This lack led me to be dominating in my life of the self and others – this constant state of lack and needing validation (losing my primary source of income I became self-deprecating). My epiphany happened during the sacral chakra process and I had the breakthrough- I realised that I gt to choose, and I get to say if I’m worthy or not and lack is a state I decided. The minute I change my thinking it dawned on me that everything reproduces and that the divine feminine is the creator of abundance and that this abundance exists everywhere – I just need to choose and be present with it let go of my damage and allow the feminine within the nurse and heal me so I could transcend to transform version of me I’ve started an NPO that speaks to boys and girls about sexuality and teenage pregnancy and offer a safe space where young people can chat and engage and choose for themselves without being pressured by society. Thank you so much- life-altering experience

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hello84 1 Reviews
A life changing experience – If you have the chance to work with her just do it

I had the privilege and chance to work with Isa last year in her Alchemy Sacred Feminine Activation. This is the best thing I have ever done for myself in my life. Over a number of months, we went deep into unraveling parts remembering aspects of the divine feminine and forgotten parts that were longing to see the daylight again. Sitting with things I never had taken time for previously in my life. It has been a truly life-changing experience and I enjoyed every moment of it. Isa is one of those very special and beautiful people who hold strong energy with grace and softness, she is highly experienced and knowledgeable in life and many healing modalities. As her client you feel held, heard, and at home. If you have the chance to work with her, just do it, your future self will thank you.

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A wholesome experience

Wow wow wow. Isa lead me through a workshop that was filled with so much knowledge which has helped me through my personal journey. She has a beautiful energy that gives a great sense of calmness as she leads you through your journey as well as creating a very open trusting atmosphere from the start. I couldn’t recommend her more!

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amykeevy52 1 Reviews

Each time I visit Isa I leave feeling grounded, cared for, challenged (in a good way!) and at ease. Her insight and energy are a joy to my soul. I can highly recommend her!

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aliceslab4 1 Reviews
A gentle and moving experience

The Full Moon circle I attended was deeply moving and Isa lead such a powerful meditation. Her energy is calming and one feels a deep sense of peace while in her presence. She is such a special soul and I enjoy her ceremonies very much.

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