stomach cramps
STOMACH CRAMPS – natural ways to alleviate stomach issues
Stomach cramps can have a very broad base of origin, from constipation to food poisoning to a virus. It is also worth considering the possible emotional origins of stomach problems, specifically in children as this is how they often express anxiety. When our stomachs can’t digest new ideas and experiences not only food is poorly absorbed in our system but our thoughts and feelings as well. When the stomach is rigid or tense we are resisting or holding onto things that should normally pass through our bodies.
Tinctures for stomach cramps:
Crampbark, Passion Flower, Lemon Balm
Aromatherapy: Peppermint oil, Inhale directly from bottle for fast nausea relief, Massage the belly with the diluted oil (always dilute oils before placing directly on skin. 10 drops to 50ml carrier oil).
Kitchen Cure: Fresh ginger tea,
Juice the raw ginger add 1 tsp to 1 Tbsp to warm water, drink as required
Peppermint tea, A few sprigs in hot water, drink as required. Peppermint is very effective for nausea
Lemon tea, squeeze half a lemon into warm water, drink
Chamomile tea, this will calm the nervous system and lessen cramping
Fennel seeds, soak seeds in water overnight, drink water.
Tissue Salts: 3. Calc Sulph, 4. Ferrum Phos, 5. Kali Phos, 8. Mag Phos
Diet: drink Bone Broth or Vegetable Broth, Rich in calcium and many other nutrients, bone broth is extremely supportive during illness. Vegetable broth is easy on the digestion giving the stomach time to recover.
Stay well hydrated. Drink warm water rather than cold as it is easier on the system.
Supplements: Magnesium glycinate, Magnesium is used for constipation, gas and emotional upset
Prebiotics and Probiotics – these will restore the natural flora in the stomach
Zeolite Powder, 1 tsp in water 3 times per day
Activated Charcoal, Activated Charcoal is used for diarrhea and food poisoning
Body Care: Epsom salt bath – use 1 to 2 cups of Epsom salt in a warm bath. This also increases the magnesium levels in the body.
Belly massage – make sure you massage in the direction of the elimination passage. Up the left side, across the stomach and down the right side. Use diluted warm castor oil.
Hot pack: placing a warm water bottle or hot pack on the belly will alleviate cramping.
Affirmation for stomach disorders: I digest life with ease.
Find aromatherapy oils to purchase here